Revealing Christ to the World in Spring Creek, Nevada.
Teaching Biblical Truth
At RMBC we love the Bible and teach it passionately because we believe it is the Word of God. Scripture is authoritative and sufficient for all things pertaining to life and godliness.
Proclaiming Gospel Hope
All our ministries focus on the gospel of Jesus Christ because it is the power of God for salvation to anyone who believes. Christ’s work is sufficient to save us and to continue to change us.
Fostering Meaningful Community
No one is an island to himself. RMBC makes it our aim to help people connect with other like-minded individuals for mutual encouragement and growth.
Upcoming Events
Sunday Ministries
9:30a Children’s Sunday School (Age 2-6th Grade)
9:30a Adult Sunday School Classes
10:45a Morning Service
10:45a Nursery (Infant-2 yrs)
10:45a Children’s Church (Age 2-4th Grade)
Wednesday Ministries
5:00p Men’s Group
5:15p Ladies Bible Study
5:30p Youth Group (7th-12th Grade)
6:30p Adult Bible Study
6:30p Children’s Ministry (Age 2-6th Grade)